This privacy policy pertains to the Coach 7 and Coach 7 Modeler apps, as published by CMA Science in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
We value your online security and privacy and therefore would like to inform you how our products handle personally identifiable information. Please read the below privacy policy carefully.

What personal information is collected with your apps?
We do not collect, store or transmit any personal information (name, email address, etc.) during the installation and use of our apps. The single exception to this holds only for the free Coach 7 app, where you are required to enter a personal license name and code during the first launch. These credentials are verified (silently) through an automated online system and this process will repeat periodically (once every week). There is no license check for the paid Coach 7 Modeler app.

Does your app require any special permissions?
Yes, our app requires access to the internet, camera, storage and printing capabilities of your device. In general, no data will be transmitted to external locations (e.g. a wireless printer), except with your explicit permission, and with the exception of the license check as explained above.
The internet connection is required to be able to use the web-component of the software. The camera is used to capture live video or images to analyse with the software. Access to the storage is required to save and load Coach activities from your device. Access to printers is needed in order to print, for example, data or graphs after analysis.

Does your app contain advertisements?

Is my data safe from third-parties?
Yes, absolutely. The little data we collect by using our app will not be transferred, sold or otherwise distributed to third-parties.

Can I contact you for further information?
Yes, please contact us if you have questions regarding this privacy policy. See our contact information for details.