Known for its leading role in implementing technology in Science CMA has been involved in many international projects, as well more scientific (research and development of innovative materials) as well to support other educational institutions in introducing ICT in Education.
Recent EC-funded projects
European Science and Technology Action: Building Links with Industry, Schools and Home
Seventh Framework Programme
[FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement n° 244749
The ESTABLISH project brings together the key communities that are stakeholders in second level science education to work together to generate and implement innovation in the classroom for the teaching and learning of science and technology.
The overall objective of this project is to facilitate and implement an inquiry-based approach to science education for second level students (age 12-18 years) on a widespread scale across Europe bringing together, within a collaborative environment, the stakeholders in science education.
The partners for Establish come from Ireland, The Netherlands, Cyprus, Sweden, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Estonia, Italy and Malta.
Project website:
ICT for Innovative Science Teachers
Leonardo da Vinci programme 2009-1-PL1- LEO05- 05046
The ICT for IST Project builds upon the work of the previous project Information Technology for Understanding Science (IT for US), funded with support from the European Commission under the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme. The main aim of the IT for US Project was to present teachers with a vision for the useo f ICT in science teaching which exploits the qualities of software tools for developing conceptual understanding of scientific phenomena.The ICT for IST Project embraces the same general aim, but has broadened the scope of available materials to assist the implementation of the activities in teacher training programmes and vocational training initiatives.
The results of the ICT for IST will offer new approaches to teacher training supported by the instructional material, online resources and demonstration videos for use on courses for teachers
Project website:
Kicking Life into Classroom
Lifelong Learning Programme
Project number: 505519-LLP-1-2009-1-GR-KA3-KA3MP
The incorporation of ICTs in education & training systems is becoming more & more important, allowing us to develop new approaches to learning, life and work. Furthermore, despite the increasing use of ICTs, it is strongly believed that our educational system has to shift from the traditional paradigm of teacher-directed learning to learner-centered curricula that promote the development of lifelong learners who can think critically, solve problems, be creative & collaborate at work.
The KLiC project by taking into account these aspects proposes an inquiry-based approach of science teaching pedagogy that bridges the gap between formal & informal education and brings science & scientific objects closer to the learners by engaging them in episodes of experiential learning.
Project website: