Why does my measurement stop sooner than expected if I use a high measurement frequency?

Every interface has a maximum number of data points that can be collected. If this maximum is reached, the measurement stops automatically, even if a longer measurement time was set.
The maximum is 16.380 points for CoachLab II, 32.760 points for older models of CoachLab II+, and 500.000 points for the newest CoachLab II+ models with updated firmware (and Coach 6.3 or newer). The number of data points that can be collected at sampling frequencies higher than 10 kHz is also limited. In this case, the internal data buffer of the interface cannot be emptied quickly enough and the measurement will stop once the buffer is full. For CoachLab II+ this corresponds to a maximum of 32.760 data points.

To gather more data points than the allowed maximum, the option Repeat from the Measurement settings can be used.